Bunun gerçek olduğuna inanamayacaksam eğer, neden, neden düşüyor çimenlere ay ışığı? Alberto CAEIRO
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😀 :up:Ricardo Reis, Alberto Caeiro, Bernardo Soares and Alvaro de Campos are all Fernando Pessoa!!!! There is one more name a female one – Maria… I am researching the stuff Fernando writes under this name… it is very RARE.
😉 yes İsabel…fernando pessoa & Co. :)”In All This It Was I, Creator of It All, who Was Least Present”Fernando PessoaMaria… Pessoa..mother…?ah…Pessoa.”Fernando Pesoa, strictly speaking, doesn’t exist”:D
no no, Maria is a very little known pseudoname of Fernando Pessoa. My friend told me the other day, he gets me some stuff to read under Maria´s name! 😀
😀 :up:Ricardo Reis, Alberto Caeiro, Bernardo Soares and Alvaro de Campos are all Fernando Pessoa!!!! There is one more name a female one – Maria… I am researching the stuff Fernando writes under this name… it is very RARE.
😉 yes İsabel…fernando pessoa & Co. :)”In All This It Was I, Creator of It All, who Was Least Present”Fernando PessoaMaria… Pessoa..mother…?ah…Pessoa.”Fernando Pesoa, strictly speaking, doesn’t exist”:D
no no, Maria is a very little known pseudoname of Fernando Pessoa. My friend told me the other day, he gets me some stuff to read under Maria´s name! 😀
😀 Yes…Thanks İsabel.